
Global Trademark Resources
Trademark Basics

Fact Sheets Get quick, clear answers to your questions about trademarks: from an introduction to trademarks to more advanced topics like licensing and litigation
Presentations Use these ready-made PowerPoint® presentations to explain trademark basics to clients or colleagues outside the legal department
Glossary Find definitions of terms used when talking about trademarks
Informational Brochures
and Guides
Download PDFs of brochures and guides that explain the basics

 Trademark Basics: A Guide for Business

 A Guide to Proper Trademark Use for Media, Internet and Publishing Professionals

Intellectual Property: A Business Tool for SMEs
Created for small and medium-sized enterprises in the leather, footwear, textiles and furniture industries, these guides explain in an understandable way what intellectual property is, how to use it and find out more about it. The publication of these guides was funded by the European Commission – DG Enterprise & Industry. INTA was a member of the Advisory Committee.